Workshop Offerings

One Full Day Workshops
:1. Building Relationships for Success in Sales
2. Business Etiquette
3. Change Management
4. Conflict Resolution
5. Creating Dynamite Job Portfolio
6. Emotional Intelligence
7. Leadership Skills for Supervisors
8. Motivating Your Workforce
9. Project Management Fundamentals
10. Selling Smarter
11. Stress Management
12. Survival Skills for the New Trainer
13. The Art of Delegating Effectively
14. Time Management 
Two Full Day Workshops
:1. Business Ethics for the Office
2. Business Writing That Works
3. Communication Strategies
4. Critical Elements of Customer Service
5. Critical Thinking
6. Finance for Non Financial Professionals
7. Negotiation for Results
8. Presentation Survival School
9. Problem Solving & Decision Making
10. Skills for the Administrative Assistant
11. Writing Reports and Proposals 

Three Full Day Workshops:
1. Team Building - Developing High Performance Teams
2. The Professional Supervisor
3. Understanding Project Management Employability Skills Program:The "Skills for Success"
Program is a comprehensive training program designed to provide recent college graduates and entry-level professionals with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in the global business environment. These fresh graduates and young professionals have learned specific technical skills within their chosen fields of study. However, employers today are looking for more than just technical skills in the modern workforce. They also value essential, transferable job skills such as English language proficiency, problem solving, critical thinking, and computer skills. The comprehensive Skills for Success Program is designed to contribute significantly to an individual’s successful job placement and effective participation in today’s global workforce.I'm a paragraph.