Do they exhibit the right characteristics?​

How can a marketing consultant help me?

While the needs of every project differ, a few characteristics should always be in place. These include:1. Experience delivering your desired outcomes2. Willingness to push back A consultant who kowtows to your every command is of little value. Youre paying for expertise; therefore, demand a consultant with a point of view, strong rationale, and the willingness to support their position. 3. Responsiveness Great consultants are available for you when you need them4. Rapport is paramount. Its important that you respect each other and your communication is excellent. Pass them by if their style will inhibit your organization from hearing, accepting and adopting their recommendations.

The Genesis Group can help’s businesses primarily in 2 ways:1. By using our marketing knowledge and experience to support start up and very small businesses with education and information to help them do the marketing themselves.2. By working with one of our talented marketing and branding consultants to help with outsourcing of your marketing activities, or specific help with a particular project. ​