Our Company

The Genesis Group, an independent minority and woman owned business, provides business management, planning, development, and marketing consulting services to non- profit and for profit companies and organizations.  Our services are used by enterprises (clients) who need to identify long term goals, get a new idea or venture "off the ground" or expand, acquire or reinvest into a project.  Our primary market includes government, healthcare, industrial, commercial, trade, professional associations, political organizations, and advocacy groups.

Our Clients

The essence of consulting is to help our clients obtain information and advice which leads to real and lasting solutions of a problem.  Our consultants think, analyze, brainstorm, cajole, and challenge good organizations to become even better by adopting new ideas.  Our consultants are able to step into ambiguous, sometimes hostile situations and sense what changes need to be made. Our consultants are driven by ideas and a strong desire to have a positive impact on clients.

My Journey

Roz Mccarthy, President/ CEO

Travel or passage from one place to another,especially one covering a long distance or taking a long time. Defined by Webster''s Dictionary. We all have a journey we must take in this thing called life. Mine truly began while attending Florida State University. The sense of freedom I experienced while thriving and surviving away from home for the very first time was awesome. I gained a since of power knowing that I was in charge of my life and the decisions I made be it good or bad. Early on I realized my potential was unlimitless and that I had a power of persuasion commonly known as "the gift of gab" amongst my peers, friends, professors,and associates. I recall seeing early glimpses of a decisive self promotor. Believing "I was destined to do great things" was my attitude of choice. Thankfully, along the way I met some incredible people from a variety of different backgrounds and cultures which was a added benefit. As I recall we were all on a mission to recieve the "holy grail" of college commonly known as a degree. Now looking back I am convinced the life lessons I experienced along the way trumped the 7:30am Organic Chemistry course lesson I recieved from Dr. Flakes. I spent four and half years learning everything you can imagine about chemistry not realizing at the time I would spend the next 18 years becoming a marketing, branding, and business development subject matter expert. I guess being a social butterfly collecting and nuturing beautiful friendships is not a bad way to spend your time in college. Consequently, I earned a life lesson degree in People, Power, and Persuasion that has carried me far and contributed to my overall business and entrepreneurial success in marketing. I not only love it (marketing).... I am in love with the process and what one must do in order to turn a no into a yes.. The life lessons on the right  are lessons that I will carry with me forever. Enjoy!

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Life Lessons

  • Lesson #1: Kill people with kindness.
  • Lesson #2: Don't accept any wooden nickels.... A "No" is just a "Yes" waiting to happen.
  • Lesson #3: Practice what you preach.
  • Lesson #4: Pay it forward.
  • Lesson #5: Self love is the best love